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When will I receive my security deposit?



  • Laman MALIKOVA

    Dear Colonies team


    İ hope you are doing well. İ am interested when can i get my deposits back. One of my roomate take back her deposits eventhough we left the home at the same time together. I am looking forward your email.


    Laman Malikova

    84 Rue de Marquillies

  • Laman MALIKOVA

    Also I didnt have french bank account so I submited my firend's  french bank account. She will give my money after you give back my deposits. Is it a problem for you? 

  • Krish GORASIYA

    dear Colonies team, 


    hope everything is well, I wanted to know when will I be able to receive my deposit back, I have left over a month ago on November 5th and I still haven't received my security deposit back. im looking forward to a reply regarding this issue.



    KRISH DINESH Gorasiya 


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